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Media News Digests – A Crucial Report Every PR Should Go For!

Media News Digests – A Crucial Report Every PR Should Go For!

Keep your C-suite executives informed of all featured news in your Industry.

As a PR executive you know that you cannot always control what has been said in media, but you can anytime monitor and manage the awareness and approach on these news impressions. Despite of your hard work to earn your brand media placements, an unnoticed negative mention might spoil everything you have worked for. Hence, it is very important to be informed on what is being reported in media, who is reporting it and where. Or else, your company’s hard-earned reputation may be at stake.

What is a Media News digest?

A Media News Digest is a comprehensive collection of news stories every PR and other top executives wanted to read at the beginning of each day before they start their work. Contents of the news digest are entirely based on the brand’s business requirements – so that it packs all essential media news mentions of the company, products, partners, competitors, local and nationwide industry happenings and so on.

Every news mentions about your brand, company, products, competitors, and industry get closer and easily accessible with daily news digests at your inbox

These news digests highlight every important news mention of your brand and help you closely monitor your competitors’ shift in focus area, thus making your next move more effective. You also get to know the important quotes from top industry leaders as early in the morning, which otherwise may possibly get missed or delayed reaching you.

Contents of Media News Digest

Your requirement determines everything here. For quick understanding, below are the few news digest types we offer:

  • Daily/Weekly News Digests: Delivered on daily or weekly basis, these news digests provide an overview of your organization’s most prominent news coverage as determined by your needs and goals, with brief article summaries, trending information, and other important details at a glance.
  • Media Coverage Reports: These reports offer an additional in-depth overview of your organization’s media news mentions, which include potential reach, article image, author designations, news syndications and other related stories published.
  • Media Impact Reports: A more comprehensive overview of your media news coverage which includes more detailed information with human-scored article sentiment, analyst comments, confidence level of the story, social influencers, and much more.

Doing it on your own? Think again!

Though there are many media monitoring tools available to track your brand mentions in media, remember that your organization board members and C-suite executives expect a perfect news digest delivered every day on time. So, to ensure delivering these reports on time, it is always better to delegate your media monitoring process to a media monitoring firm to save your day.

PR executives who partner with a strong media monitoring provider gain more benefits than they actually think

Doing your own media news digests bring in more challenges like:

  • Sacrificing productivity: You must allocate considerable amount of time to monitor news which could be spent on other PR activities
  • Frequent busy days: Your tight work schedules may engulf your time for media monitoring, thus ending up without delivering news digest for the day.
  • Irrelevant mentions: You can opt for an automated monitoring tool, but these tools without human inputs typically produce inaccurate results which annoy your top executives.
  • High volume days: Organizations often face spike in media coverage. So, be prepared to stay back at your seat to listen to that extra coverage any time
  • Generic Names: You will face an entire different consequence if your search terms include a publicly traded firm, or a company with trendy but easily confusable name such as Apple, Amazon, Box etc. as it pulls massive number of search results

Automated or Human-curated?

One of my previous blogs undoubtedly reveals that humans are still necessary in media monitoring and they play a vital role in this industry. Do you think an automated monitoring tool could offer best results by pulling out all the important media mentions without any noise? To be surprised, human curated news digests exceed the reports generated from automation tools in every possible means. Because:

  • Your reports are done by experienced media experts who deeply understand every media news mentions that matter. So, there is always a dedicated human involvement behind every addition and dismissal of media news content
  • Analysts can stay back during high coverage days, identify the news stories to be highlighted and deliver at the time you need
  • Their selection of media news mentions is way more precise than those of automated tools
  • Analyst-curated news contents in appropriate categories makes the news digest simple to navigate
  • A text preview of each article along with significant media insights done by human analysts, and hyperlinked titles to the original content offers the best reading experience
  • Reports are also completely customized with your brand standards, feature rich graphics and formatting, delivered in an easy-to-scan format.

Final Thoughts

A timely, well-crafted, easy-to-read news digests offer a big hand to your C-Suite and executive teams. Creating news digests is challenging and it grows exponentially with larger organizations and public companies with huge profiles. So, every PR should opt for a suitable firm or agency for their daily media monitoring and news digest creation process, and these news digests if generated by human-curated methodology will always help your entire PR and communications team gain a competitive edge.

Interested in human-curated Media News Digests? Contact us today!